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1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges

Thanks to IRC §1031, a properly structured exchange allows an investor to sell a property, to reinvest the proceeds in a new property and to defer all capital gain taxes.

Exchanges protect investors from capital gain taxes as well as facilitating significant portfolio growth and increased return on investment. In order to access the full potential of these benefits, it is crucial to have a comprehensive knowledge of the exchange process and the IRC. For instance, an accurate understanding of the key term “like-kind” – often mistakenly thought to mean the same exact types of property – can reveal possibilities that might have been dismissed or overlooked.
A 1031 exchange is simply a method by which a real property owner disposes of one property and acquires another without having to pay any capital gains tax on the transaction. In an ordinary sale transaction, the property owner is taxed on any gain realized by the sale.

I am pleased to provide my clients and customers with educational reports on IRC Section 1031 Tax Deferred Real and Personal Property Exchanges. 1031 exchanges are authorized by Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. Careful adherence to the requirements of Section 1031 is important in maintaining the tax-free status of the transaction. Please fill out the form below and you will be e-mailed the reports that have been checked .

The information contained in these report will give you basic understanding of the 1031 exchange, before starting an exchange you should seek a qualified tax or legal adviser. To help you make informed choices before you decide to Exchange property. Order these reports NOW and find out what you need to know to make your Exchange worry-free and without complications.

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Irene Gaffigan provides these reports as a courtesy to her clients. While every effort has been made to provide correct, accurate and useful information, Irene Gaffigan does not warrant or guarantee the information and/or opinions in any way, nor provide endorsements for any of the authors contained herein. Please consult your accountant or legal advisor before starting an exchange.