First Anniversary of Vermont’s Recovery from Tropical Storm Irene

On August 28th, 2011, Tropical Storm Irene hit Vermont. The flooding hit many parts of that state, some worse than others. The storm caused more damage than many here have ever seen.

While many people (and their communities) that weren’t affected have moved on, they’re not always aware that there are still many that continue to deal with the aftermath of Irene.

Vermont has made much progress in rebuilding. It’s been a lot of hard work. Almost immediately after the Irene hit, those that weren’t affected volunteered to help out their fellow neighbors salvage their personal belongings, clean up and rebuild. To this date there are still many volunteers helping out.

You can see more about what volunteers have done and volunteer yourself at: SerVErmont for Irene Recovery

The “SerVermont for Irene Recovery” facebook page is a place for people to share experiences about Irene in Vermont and what the experience has meant to them and also collaborate with other volunteers.

You can also contribute to the efforts by buying a Vermont Strong licence plate, which sell for $25. You can find a retail location here: Vermont Strong Licence Plate Retailers

The “One Year Stronger: A Commemorative Gathering on the First Anniversary of Tropical Storm Irene” will take place on August 28th at the Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph. The free event will be from 7–8:30 p.m. Everyone is invited.

“This event is a celebration of how far we’ve come in recovering from one of the worst storms in this state’s history, thanks to the commitment of Vermonters to their neighbors and communities,” Gov. Peter Shumlin said. “It is also a recognition that there are still people who need assistance and work that remains for those struggling to recover from the devastation of the storm.”

The commemortive gathering will include speaches from the Governor, flood survivors, recovery heroes and volunteers. There will be musical performances by Vermont musicians such as Diane Martin, Shyla Nelson and Jon Gailmor as well as by the VYO Chorus and Vermont Youth Orchestra.

There will also be an exhibit of photography and artwork expressing the impact of Irene on Vermonter’s lives displayed at the Chandler from 4-8:30 p.m.

Other Irene Anniversary events will be happening statewide this month. Many local Irene events should be posted on the Vermont Strong website.,

More Vermont Irene Recovery Resources: