Don’t Let Credit Score Myths Get In The Way When Buying A South Central Vermont Home
The most important piece of a person’s financial life is their credit score. Whether buying a new South Central Vermont home, applying for a job, refinancing, paying off debt, or getting utility service, your credit score will drive the outcome. One would think that Americans are all aware of what the scores are measuring and what factors play a part. But, most Americans do not know enough about the three digit rating or what is involved. Do not let these credit score myths get in your way when preparing for the purchase of your next South Central Vermont home.
Myth: Checking a credit report can either damage or lower your score.
A credit report can be conducted by you or someone like an employer as many times as desired with out having any impact on your credit score. Reviewing your credit report will never change your credit score. Just make sure that reports are retrieved through the bureaus or a legitimate score seller.
Myth: Age, sex, and income are factors that affect your score.
None of this information plays a role in determining your score. A higher income may make it easier to pay off debts, but income and net worth have no impact of credit scores.