Why Not Sell Your South Central Vermont Home In Winter?
Are the winter blahs setting in? How can you keep them at bay and infuse your life with a new found purpose? That’s easy–put your South Central Vermont home on the market. Although spring is traditionally considered the optimum time to sell a home, there are positive aspects to selling in the winter.
Buyer time constraints: A majority of corporate moves take place around January, and transferees need to find a home quickly. Parents are also anxious to get their children settled in a new school as soon as possible. By the way, some experts believe it is better for a child to move during the school year as opposed to the summer months. Starting a new school immediately upon arriving in a new location allows for an easier time of making friends and establishing new routines.
Tax credit extension: Now that the Home Buyer Tax Credit Act deadline has been extended to April 30th, many first-time buyers and “repeat buyers” are seriously looking to purchase a South Central Vermont home–and soon!
Motivated buyers: In addition to those mentioned above, other potential buyers are also out there looking. Those who have recently sold their own home or renters whose lease is ending are desperately in need of a new home. Remember, too, that house shoppers who brave cold temperatures, hard rains, and possible flooding can surely be considered serious buyers.
Availability of professionals: Because the winter season is not a particularly busy one in the field of real estate transactions, agents, mortgage brokers, and settlement attorneys will be more accessible to you and your buyer. Questions may well be answered more quickly, problems anticipated in advance or solved more calmly, and settlement times more flexible and accommodating.