Make Your Ludlow VT Vacation Home Pay For Itself!
According to this article, it could indeed be possible for a vacation home to pay for itself in the Or, click here to sign up to receive automated emails of new listings that match your criteria.
Investor Christine Hrib Karpinski offers these three basic rules for purchasing and managing a vacation home:
– Vacation homes need to be rented 15 to 17 weeks a year in most areas to break even.
– Internet advertising is essential. Karpinski recommends advertising your home on 3-5 web sites to ensure the maximum amount of exposure.
– Consider cutting out the middle-man and being your own rental agent.
Karpinski also suggests asking yourself these four questions before jumping into vacation home ownership:
· Are you ready to do the research to find the right home in the right area for you?
· Are you willing to give up the use of your property during peak season?
· Are you willing to put in the necessary work, including advertising and maintenance duties?
· Can you hold on if things get tough?
If you are ready to begin your search for a Ludlow VT vacation home, please call me at 802-353-1983 or visit