Please stop in to visit the new store for FRAME IT IN SKIS – in LaMere Plaza! Perfect place for an unusal gift or something for yourself; a bit about them below:
We are a small family owned business who love what we do. Our unique gifts and picture frames are handmade and handcrafted in Vermont out of used and recycled skis, snowboards and other winter sports equipment. Standard products include picture frames, message boards, mirrors, clocks, and wind chimes. Please visit our online store often as we will be adding more and more unique gifts along with specials and one-of-a-kind items. Please email us with suggestions and comments as we are always looking for new ideas and welcome your opinion.
Always try to recycle, reuse, and repurpose! One person’s junk is another person’s craft project!
Cute and Cozy Vermont Farm House! 3 bedrooms, New front Porch approx 4 years. Standing Seam Roof (98). Wood Floors thoughout. Large EIK with custom cabinets. Post and beam barm offers expansion possibilities – On the shuttle bus route to Okemo. Walk to Post OFfice, Bakery and Singletons.. Priced to sell at $164,900. Owner Licensed Realtor in Vermont.
You’ve probably seen lots of financial arguments about why you should invest in Luldow VT real estate and own your own home rather than rent. This includes budgeting (no rent increases) and the tax savings you’ll most likely have. Now we’re going to give you some reasons you probably haven’t heard.
1. Freedom to pursue other goals in life once the major goal of home ownership is achieved.
Strange as it sounds, many of our first-time buyers have told us that once they bought the house, other things in their life started to fall into place. It’s as if not owning took so much of their mental energy that other goals were not worked on until that big goal was reached. So buy a home and get on with your life!
2. A greater sense of belonging to the Ludlow VT community.
Once you own a home, you feel more attached to the city in which you live. You’re more interested in what happens in Ludlow, to the roads, schools, and shopping areas. Some people even become involved in local politics.
3. A commitment to something, a sense of stability.
Home ownership is an anchor, something that cannot be pulled out from under you. You’ll never get a notice that you have to move. You’re kids will never have to change schools. It gives you freedom to plan years ahead.
4. You can change things, a feeling of being in control.
It’s your home. You can add to it, remodel it, change the landscaping, do whatever projects you want. You have a feeling of being in control of something in your life. At work we don’t always have control of what happens, but your home is your castle and you have dominion over it. You can see what you’re building take shape before your eyes.
5. More control over the children than in an apartment complex
In a neighborhood, kids usually play in the yards or go to friend’s houses a few doors away. Our clients have told us that in an apartment complex they never knew where the kids were. They could be in any of hundreds of apartments, doing who knows what. In a home you get to know the neighbors and watch out for each other’s kids.
6. Children do better in school and feel more secure.
This one surprised us, but buyers have reported to us that their kids calmed down in school after they bought a house. We don’t know why, but it seems to work that way. We remember a single mom watching her son play in the yard, making steps in the slope and building things. She didn’t have to tell him to leave everything alone, like she did at the apartment complex. I guess kids feel the same need for control we adults do.
7. Time and money saved by not going to the Laundromat.
A small point, but if you have kids, you know the value of this one. You gain a whole evening a week when you buy a house! The wash gets done in between other things, or while you’re at work. What would you do with the extra evening you’ll have? How about going out for dessert with your spouse with all those quarters?
We’ve been in a home of our own for so long; we take these benefits for granted. We forgot what it’s like to be renters! If you have anything you can add to the list, please let us know via email. We would love to hear from you!
According to this article, it could indeed be possible for a vacation home to pay for itself in the Or, click here to sign up to receive automated emails of new listings that match your criteria.
Investor Christine Hrib Karpinski offers these three basic rules for purchasing and managing a vacation home:
– Vacation homes need to be rented 15 to 17 weeks a year in most areas to break even. – Internet advertising is essential. Karpinski recommends advertising your home on 3-5 web sites to ensure the maximum amount of exposure.
– Consider cutting out the middle-man and being your own rental agent.
Karpinski also suggests asking yourself these four questions before jumping into vacation home ownership:
· Are you ready to do the research to find the right home in the right area for you?
· Are you willing to give up the use of your property during peak season?
· Are you willing to put in the necessary work, including advertising and maintenance duties?
· Can you hold on if things get tough?
If you are ready to begin your search for a Ludlow VT vacation home, please call me at 802-353-1983 or visit
May your Thanksgiving be blessed with the bounty of the season and the love of family and friends! We’ll be back next week with more of the latest Ludlow VT real estate news and information! In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at 802-353-1983 or visit
If you are considering purchasing an Okemo Mountain VT vacation home in time for ski season, you may be curious about how you will be taxed on the prospective property.This article from Smart Money magazine explains how you can purchase a vacation home and afford to pay the taxes on it. In addition to covering timeshares and multiple residences, vacation homeownership is broken down into three main groups for tax-related Or click here to see my current listings!
· Use a lot, rent a lot (home is considered a personal residence but income must be accounted for)
· Rent a lot, use a little (home is considered a rental property)
· Use a lot, rent a little (home is considered a personal residence and income does not have to be declared)
If you are thinking of purchasing a Ludlow VT vacation home, please call me at 802-353-1983 or visit
With this week’s news coverage of the devastating fires in California, home fire safety is a most timely topic. Although we may not be at great risk for wildfires here in Vermont, we do tend to enjoy cozying up by the fireplace on a winter’s night – an activity that can be a big fire hazard. An important part of responsible homeownership is being prepared to both prevent a fire in your home and to rescue yourself and your family should there be a fire in your home.This printable Fire Safety Checklist, provided by, is a great resource for determining what fire hazards may lurk in your home, how to reduce those hazards, and what to do if there is a fire. The Today Show also provided some useful tips
to ensure homeowners would be prepared to evacuate their homes with little or no notice in the event of an emergency such as fire. These tips include:
Make copies of your documents. Either put them in a waterproof and fire-proof safe, or give the copies to a trusted friend or relative. Make electronic copies, as well. Remember that valuables left in a safe deposit box at a bank could also be destroyed in the case of a widespread natural disaster. Get your insurance information in order. If disaster strikes, make your claim right away, and be sure to take pictures of the damage. Prepare an emergency kit. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Gather essential items such as a battery operated radio, bottled water, food, medication, blanket, first-aid kit, etc. Come up with a family plan. Again, do it now! Make sure everyone knows where the important documents are, and agree on a meeting place in case you become separated.
Many of these items are tips we hear over and over again, but they never really seem useful until a disaster strikes close to home. By the time that happens, of course, it is generally too late to put the tips to use. Preparedness now can save time and, possibly, lives later.
If you are thinking of becoming a homeowner in Ludlow VT, please call me today at 802-353-1983 or visit You may also begin searching Ludlow VT real estate here!
The temperature is dropping, the leaves are beginning to change, and autumn is officially in full swing in Vermont. That means Halloween is just around the corner!
A great way to spruce up your home’s curbside appeal during this season is to decorate with a few locally-grown pumpkins – maybe even add some hay and a scarecrow to really get festive! Visiting a local pumpkin patch is also a fantastic way to enjoy the fall weather with your family and get some of those always-cute snapshots of the kids picking out their pumpkins. Why not start a new tradition this year and visit one of these local pumpkin patches?
To learn more about living here and Ludlow VT real estate, please visit my website or call me at 802-353-1983. You can also request complimentary copies of my e-Books here!
We’ve been covering the hot topic of foreclosures a lot lately, because the number of homeowners defaulting on their home loans has been rising at an unprecedented rate across America. Today I want to look at the topic from a different angle.This article from covers some of the caveats to investing in foreclosures. If you are investing in a property with the hopes of “flipping” it for a quick re-sale, you should consult an experienced Realtor first to get a clear picture of the current real estate market in your area. Homes may not be selling quickly in your area, which means you could end up with a property that continues to sit on the market while you keep making payments on it. Also, most homes purchased at auction cannot be inspected first, so your new property may come with major structural damage, hidden liens, or utility bills that need to be paid. It is up to the potential buyer to weigh out how much you are willing to invest in improvements over and above the actual price of the or call me at 802-353-1983. You can also visit or begin searching the MLS here. I would be happy to help you invest in your future in Ludlow VT.
While there are many homeowners today who are struggling to meet their mortgage payments, there are just as many would-be investors who are eager to capitalize on the situation by investing in foreclosures and – they hope – selling them for a hefty profit.
This may seem easy on the surface, given the rising number of foreclosed properties; however, potential investors should take the time to understand what they are getting into before heading to an auction or purchasing any bank-owned property.
If you are thinking of investing in Ludlow VT real estate, please
If you have a mortgage on your Ludlow VT home, you have probably been paying close attention to the latest interest rates and are aware of the ongoing rise in the foreclosure rate across America.This article from outlines the terms associated with foreclosure and gives a good starting point with steps to take if you think you may soon be unable to pay your mortgage. Some of the topics covered in this helpful article:
– What to do if you can not pay your mortgage
– What if you can no longer afford to keep your home
– Beware of scam artistshere!
What would you do if you were actually faced with the prospect of foreclosure? Would you have the information needed to make an informed decision on your financial future? Many homeowners think it can or will not happen to them, so they do not take the time to learn what the options are on the best way to move forward in a stressful situation such as foreclosure.
I would like to add to the list of steps to take when facing foreclosure – contact an experienced Realtor! Along with a reputable lender, an experienced Realtor can help explain your options and guide you through the choice that is best for you.
For more information about Ludlow VT real estate, please call me today at 802-353-1983 or visit, I would be happy to help you. You may also begin searching the MLS