Ludlow VT Real Estate: How to Tell When A Price Is Too Good To Be True
If you are currently looking to buy Ludlow VT real estate, you probably have a good idea of the general range you can expect to spend on a home. So you might be surprised when a great-looking home shows up on the MLS with what seems like a shockingly low price tag attached. The extra-low price seems too good to be true and – most of the time – it is.
In many cases, the price you are seeing does not represent the actual asking price of the property. Rather, it is likely a property that is in “pre-foreclosure” and the amount listed actually represents the balance of the defaulted loan, or the amount the current owner is in arrears. Below is an excerpt from an article I found at Inman News that does a great job explaining how these properties end up on MLS search engines, and what you can do to spot them: