If you are currently looking to buy Ludlow VT real estate, you probably have a good idea of the general range you can expect to spend on a home.So you might be surprised when a great-looking home shows up on the MLS with what seems like a shockingly low price tag attached.The extra-low price seems too good to be true and – most of the time – it is.
In many cases, the price you are seeing does not represent the actual asking price of the property.Rather, it is likely a property that is in “pre-foreclosure” and the amount listed actually represents the balance of the defaulted loan, or the amount the current owner is in arrears.Below is an excerpt from an article I found at Inman News that does a great job explaining how these properties end up on MLS search engines, and what you can do to spot them:
Summer has turned many people’s thoughts to second homes and Ludlow VT vacation homes.Unfortunately, though, encouraging statistics about the Ludlow VT vacation home market have been muffled under some of the negative news about the current economy and housing market.
According to the National Association of Realtors’2007 Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey, second-home sales accounted for one-third of all existing and new-home sales in 2007.A large portion of those purchases were vacation homes.So – why do families buy these “homes away from home?”The survey found that several factors go into the decision to buy a second home.Eighty-four percent of buyers wanted to use the home as a family retreat; thirty percent planned to use the home as a future primary residence; twenty-six percent want to diversify investments, and 25 percent plan to rent the home out to other families.
Happy 4th of July, Ludlow! Although this weekend is a time for fireworks and enjoying time with friends and family, it is also a time to remember what makes our country so great – our freedom. So as you gather with friends and neighbors on Friday, take a moment to thank our military—living and dead, at home and abroad—for the sacrifices they have made for us. Because, as we all know, freedom isn’t free!
Be sure to check out the events and activities happening this holiday weekend in Ludlow!
We’ll return to discussing Ludlow VT real estate next week; however, if you would like more information about Ludlow VT real estate, please call me at 802-353-1983 or visit ISellVermontRealEstate.com.
The so-called “American Dream” has, in the past, been an ideal goal for people which almost always included owning real estate.Due to the recent slowing of the real estate market, however, home ownership is often seen as more of a nightmare than a dream.But it doesn’t have to be that way!Even in a slower economy, purchasing Ludlow VT real estate can still be a step toward achieving your own “American Dream!”
Inman News reminds us some of the benefits and advantages that being a home owner will always offer:
• The opportunity to build equity and create wealth over time.
• Protection from rent increases or eviction at the whim of a landlord.
• The pleasures of a relatively larger home, suitable for a family, and with a backyard, garage or other auxiliary space.
• The freedom — design review boards notwithstanding — to improve, remodel or redecorate to suit one’s own style and budget.
• A variety of lucrative income-tax breaks.
• Pride of ownership and a greater sense of security and stability.
If you are considering purchasing Ludlow VT real estate, now is the time!Don’t let the negative media attention on the market get you down – home ownership is still a realistic and attainable goal for most Americans.
What do you think is the single most important factor that determines why one property sells more quickly than another?
In the real estate world, we always hear “Location, Location, Location,” but according to a recent poll conducted by the National Association of Realtors, almost 2/3 of the respondents said price was the key factor.
The same results held true for sellers.“Getting the price right” was and is one of the most frequently cited challenges for sellers who are not represented by a Realtor®.
Other factors that were included in the poll were – no surprise here – location as well as condition of the property, staging, and upgrades.
If you are interested in learning about Ludlow VT real estate prices, please call me at 802-353-1983 or visit ISellVermontRealEstate.com.You may also begin searching the MLS!
In honor of Dear Old Dad, we are taking a week off from discussing Ludlow VT real estate. Father’s Day is coming up this Sunday, and there is plenty to do around Ludlow VT and Okemo Mountain to celebrate with the special father in your life.ISellVermontRealEstate.com to begin searching Ludlow VT real estate now!
Here are some little-known facts about Father’s Day:
– There are approximately 66.3 million fathers in the United States.
– The word “Dad” dates back to the sixteenth century, or possibly even earlier. It may have originated with the Welsh word “Tad” (meaning father), which later mutated to Dad. The word “Father” is derived from the Old English “Foeder”.
– A father ocean catfish carries the eggs of his young in his MOUTH until they are ready to be born (which may take several weeks!). During that time he cannot eat anything.
– Father penguins remain on their feet in arctic temperatures for 60 days or more to protect his eggs, he also cannot eat while guarding his eggs.
– Neckties lead the list of Father’s Day gifts, and there are 10,416 men’s clothing stores around the country.
– Other items high on the list of Father’s Day gifts include those you may find in dad’s toolbox, such as hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers. You could buy some of these items for dad at one of the nation’s 14,755 hardware stores or 5,280 home centers.
– There are 23,018 sporting goods stores. These stores are good places to purchase traditional gifts for dad such as fishing rods and golf clubs.
– There are approximately 98,000 “stay-at-home” dads. These are married fathers with children under 15 years old who have remained out of the labor force for more than one year primarily so they can care for the family while their wives work outside the home.
– Nearly 69 million Americans have participated in a barbeque in the last year — it’s probably safe to assume many of these barbeques took place on Father’s Day.
We’ll be back next week to discuss Ludlow VT real estate. Meanwhile, enjoy a fantastic weekend with dad and call me at 802-353-1983 or visit
Although this article uses a beach vacation rental condo as an example, the tips included are valuable for any Ludlow VT vacation home owner as well.ISellVermontRealEstate.com. You may also begin searching for Ludlow VT property on the MLS!
Here are some of the many tips for retaining loyalty among your renters:
– Forget neutral! Bring on the “vacation-y” décor, but try not to go overboard!
– Furnish with easy-to-use furniture that is easy to clean and can withstand wear and tear
– Stock up on plenty of family-oriented indoor activities like board games and playing cards
– Include some homey touches like a binder of local restaurant menus or personal tips on local attractions
To learn more about Ludlow VT real estate or owning your own vacation home, please call me at 802-353-1983 or visit
Home inspections are not just for new home buyers! As we have discussed in previous posts, it is extremely important to have your Ludlow VT real estate inspected professionally on a regular basis – especially if you are using it as a vacation property – to ensure you keep up with any necessary maintenance or repairs. Home inspectors offer many types of inspections to suit Ludlow VT real estate owners’ needs – some of these include:
– Pre-Listing Inspections
– Pre-Purchase Inspections
– New Construction Inspections
– HUD/FHA Inspections
– Multiunit Inspections
– Annual Maintenance CheckupISellVermontRealEstate.com. You may also begin searching for Ludlow VT real estate here!
Professional home inspectors examine existing homes using professional standards as a measure to accurately report their condition to parties involved in a real estate transaction, or to the existing owners looking to repair or renovate.
When purchasing a home, it is realistic that a buyer could save thousands of dollars by having a professional home inspection performed. Moreover, in areas with extreme weather circumstances, inspectors can help locate potential problems or damage that may be hidden to the naked eye.
To learn more about Ludlow VT real estate or for a referral to an experienced home inspector, please call me at 802-3531983 or visit
There’s no denying it – the cost of gas is rising through the roof. Some areas are even seeing gas prices as high as $4 a gallon! But not all gas stations are created equal, and gas prices can vary widely even in the same city. Before you fill up, check out GasBuddy.com and enter your ZIP code to find the very best (and worst) gas prices in Ludlow VT.ISellVermontRealEstate.com. You may also request a complimentary market valuation of your Ludlow VT home here!
For information about Ludlow VT real estate, please call me at 802-353-1983 or visit
Check out this website to see how Ludlow VT real estate valuation compares to other cities across the country. This site is not only informative, but it shows that – despite the national media’s attention to the real estate slowdown – much of the national real estate market is still valued fairly, making it a great time to buy.
To learn more about Ludlow VT real estate, please call me at 802-353-1983 or visit ISellVermontRealEstate.com. You may also fill out this form to request a complimentary market analysis of your Ludlow VT home!